Fermentation technology

Kimchi fermentation technology

The fermentation of kimchi with microorganisms and enzymes creates a unique aroma of blending spices, vibrant colors and crisp texture. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is created, dissolved in the broth and converted to carbonic acid (HCO3), giving kimchi delicious taste. In particular, after fermentation, kimchi is rich in flavors and nutrients.


Kimchi fermentation technology with microorganisms and enzymes, creating a unique aroma

To create the most delicious flavor, kimchi fermentation technology is influenced by various conditions, especially salt amount and temperature. The best point to eat kimchi is when the pH reaches from 4.3 to 4.5 for 30 days after soaking at 5 to 7°C.

Kimchi fermentation technology is influenced by various conditions, especially salt amount and temperature

Kimchi has a sour and sweet taste. This taste is due to the fermentation process demonstrating the reproduction and activity of microorganisms, which requires an absolute fermentation time. To meet the Korean kimchi standard, it takes Medicinal Food’s experts a month to wait with patience and perseverance. The taste of kimchi is the taste of time.

To meet the Korean kimchi standard, it takes Medicinal Food’s experts a month to wait with patience and perseverance